10 Things to do After Installing WordPress

In WordPress | on Apr. 14, 2011 | by | 0 Comments

Getting the wordpress set up and installing it successfully is just but a proportion of a list of things that you are required to do. This is but the first step and many more steps follow this first step. Username and password are provided by the hosting company after you order. Most of these passwords cannot be memorized and you have difficulties accessing your panel if you shut down your computer without writing the password down. The first thing you need to do after you login is to access user’s panel and change your password to something that you can remember all the time.

The permalinks that your site has after installation are not SEO friendly especially in the URL. You should change these links to optimized URLs that will allow your site to be accessed from the major search engines. You can add some keywords to the URL to enhance better usability. You can do this by accessing the settings and look for the permalinks tab. Go to common setting and select custom structure and then enter %category% or /%post name%/depending on what you prefer. Search Engine Optimization can also be enhanced by installing Install Google XML Sitemaps which allow the major search engines to index your site. One major advantage of this application is that it modifies itself every time a new post is added to the site. You can go to Google Webmaster Central where you can verify your site after which you can add sitemap to your URL.

The next important thing is to upload your theme. You can either design your own theme or download it from wordpress.com. This site has more than 100 free themes that can be activated through appearance. Remember that the default wordpress is not categorized and does not look good. You can categorize it at this point by clicking on the uncategorized tab and changing it to the category you would like. It is also possible to include all other categories you may want to include in your wordpress. Working on the internet can be risky as there are spams and other threats sent to applications using the internet. To prevent such occurrences, activate the Akismet which is an application that prevents spams to your wordpress site.

You will just go to admin, click on plug-in and activate Akismet plug-in.
Before going any further in improving your wordpress, make a backup of the database. There are many threats on the internet and they can come your site’s way at any time corrupting or compromising the data you may be having. A back up always ensures that you have something you can use in case the data in the database is corrupted or destroyed. You can save the back up on the server, download to your computer or send to email. Sending to email is the best option because your computer or server can crush and your lose your data. If this happens, you can always access your email and retrieve the backup.

Add the RSS feeds to Feedburner by accessing the RSS settings and changing their options to reading. You can also add analytics and then test your site to make sure that everything is as you would like it to be. Additional optional settings can be added.

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