WordPress .htaccess Hacks’ A to Z

In WordPress | on Apr. 13, 2011 | by | 0 Comments

.htaccess file has invaluable functions in file protection, increasing usability and reducing bandwidth. Most webmasters using this file ought to know the most important hacks for it.

Always have a back up; this is especially important when modifying or editing it. You may modify the file only to realize that you site is no longer functioning properly. If this happens, you can always use the previous file.

Blacklist dangerous sites because .htaccess files are vulnerable to external threats from various IP address. It is important to bar access from such sites to protect the .htaccess file and the entire site.
Configure protection; the file contains a lot of personal information including name and password. Always put together a system that can protect your data.

Disable directory browsing if it is not necessary to use it.
Explain to your clients why some things are happening for example, when you site is not available, your clients can be informed that the site is being updated or under construction.

Feedburner component is very important to bloggers especially when there is need to direct feeds to it. Sometimes problems arise when doing this and can be overcome by using .htaccess file.

Get an RSS on static pages. They are more SEO friendly compared to other for example dynamic pages. Your RSS is better off in static pages where accessibility is much easier.

Hotlinking is a situation where people are able to use some components from your site without authorization. Your bandwidth is used against your will and could compromise various aspects of the site but it can be prevented by the use of .htaccess file.

Important; it is imperative to know the basics of htaccess files and how to work with them. Whenever there is need to edit or modify, make sure you have backup of the previous file.

Jauntily avail your email address to your clients and other users.
Keep RSS thieves away; some people are able to steal content from other people’s sites. You can keep them away by using the RSS.

Limit the number of simultaneous connections because many
connections may compromise the integrity of your site.

Maintenance; always ensure that you have maintenance page especially when you site is under construction.

No refer requests; always ensure the source of requests is confirmed before response, if it coming from nowhere, it should be blocked accordingly.

Open files to save as; ensure that if there file download requests, they should be saved instead of being opened or streamed.

Protect your .htaccess file from all possible threats at all times.
Quicken your site loading time by using cache.

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